History of White Yoda Auto

Philosopher seeds is proud to keep and share with its customers and friends its marijuana genetic collection since the 90's, something that would not have been possible without the task of the cannabis pioneers, who brought marijuana to our medicinal gardens. Our team was wondering about which would be the two most important genetics in the dutch scene, and concluded that these two genetics would probably be White Widow and AK-47

For this reason, in this post we will tell you a few things about one of our automatic cannabis strains, White Yoda Auto, an autoflowering hybrid of White Russian from Serious Seeds, that is the result of crossing these two renowned strains, producing a compact and robust hybrid, ready to harvest in 60 days. Serious Seeds, with Simon - creator of the famous AK-47 - leading the project, used a compact and fast-flowering White Widow as one of the parentals to create White Russian.

Exuberant blooming of White Yoda Auto
Exuberant blooming of White Yoda Auto

Shantibaba is often considered the creator of White Widow - when he was working at Green House Seeds - although it seems that the real breeder of this strain was Ingemar, a dutch grower who, back in 1987, named it Arnhem's Wonder (1989 High Life Cup champion)

Creation of White Yoda Auto

Our main goal in this hybrid was to keep the particular robust and compact growth of White Russian, as well as its characteristic main cola and fast flowering. Some White Russian specimens have a common feature with autoflowering strains, something that makes it hard to keep a mother plant of this strain: after4-5 months of growth, when the rootball has no more space to develop - and regardless the photoperiod - they start flowering. This feature has helped us during the creation process of this variety, and all specimens of each generation showed great uniformity during flowering.In all our autoflowering strains -White Yoda, Fraggle Skunk and Cheesy Auto - 7 crossings - generations - have been produced, so that plants are really close to have the same organoleptic, production and potency traits than the original strains from which they come.

White Yoda Auto grows compact and robust
White Yoda Auto grows compact and robust

Psychoactivity of White Yoda Auto

Autoflowering strains from Philosopher Seeds' Auto Line , like White Yoda Auto, outstand for containing cannabinoid levels higher than 20%, and CBD levels of 2-3%. White Russian marijuana is known for offering therapeutical properties beneficial for several diseases. Its cannabinoid ratios are perfect to treat pains, nausea and anxiety, as well as stimulate hunger and improve sleep. The user of this strain will notice a strong relaxing effect, a wellness feeling that will last for several hours.

Both taste and aroma of this variety are sweet and earthy, with musk undertones. The smoke is dense and the taste remains in the mouth for a long time. We can find the following terpenes in this strain: linalol, caryophyllene oxide, myrcene, beta-pinene, limonene, terpinolene, alfa-pinene, humulene, caryophyllene.

White Yoda Auto trichomes
White Yoda Auto trichomes

Now you have all the information on White Yoda Auto marijuana. Get your growroom ready for your next crop of this fantastic strain!

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