For a variety of reasons, cannabis users may prefer not to smoke (or even vaporise) their herb. The most obvious reason for this might be a respiratory illness, such as asthma, but others may simply not enjoy the taste or smell of cannabis smoke or may wish to avoid smoking out of discretion or consideration for a roommate, family member or pet.
Although edibles are a great alternative for those who prefer not to display their cannabis consumption while still enjoying all the benefits of weed, these products have a limited shelf life. Even chocolates will only keep their fresh flavour for a few weeks (although they may still be edible).
By using alcohol to extract the THC and CBD from your cannabis, you can create a tincture that can be stored for a relatively long time: a full year is not an unreasonable shelf-life expectancy if stored properly. The tincture can be consumed directly by diluting it in water or other beverages, such as fruit juice.