Grow report of Orange Candy, Black Bomb and Sugar Pop

>On this occasion, we present you a grow report of three feminized varieties from Philosopher Seeds catalogue. Thus, we'll see how these strains grew and bloomed in this 100% organic crop.

Let's take a look at the main characteristics of each variety:

Orange Candy / Naranchup

  • Genetics: Naran J x Tropimango
  • Sativa-Indica: 65/35
  • Indoor flowering: 55/65 days

Orange Candy is a mostly Sativa hybrid with intense orange scent. For its structure, it is an ideal plant for the SOG technique.

Black bomb

  • Genetics: Black Domina x Tropimango
  • Sativa-Indica: 20/80
  • Indoor flowering:  55/60 days
  • THC content: 18%

Black Bomb was awarded with the 3rd prize Indoor Bio at the 2012 M.F. Association Cannabis Cup. It develops compact buds ideal to make different resin extractions.

Sugar pop

  • Genetics: RK#14 x Ripper#1
  • Sativa-Indica: 60/40
  • Indoor flowering: 60/70 days

A compact genetics with delicious sweet and fruity flavor. Its development and production are mainly focused on the main stem, si it is also ideal for getting the ebst results with the SOG method, with one main bud.

Philosopher Seeds
Orange Candy / Naranchup

Black Bomb and Orange Candy / Naranchup cuttings were used for this grow report, while some Sugar Pop seeds were germinated.

Growing equipment

  • 3 x 1.20m x 1.20m x 2.00m grow tents
  • Plant tutors and meshes (to facilitate the growth of the plants and support their branches)
  • 600w  lamps (MH for the growth stage and HPS for the flowering period) and Nanolux electronic dimmable ballasts
  • Large Adjust a Wing reflectors
  • Air extraction : 125mm RVK
  • 6L humidifier
  • Climate controller

Growing medium and nutrients

  • Atami Janeco Light Mix
  • Nutrihemp
  • Bat guano
  • Worm castings

One of the main advantages of this type of grow is - besides using 100% organic nutrients - that we'll be able to use just water to irrigate the plants. Only once a week they'll be watered with a light mix of nutrients to ensure a balanced feeding.

We used 0.52L pots for the growth stage, while the plants will be transplanted into 3.25L pots as soon as the bloom period begins.

Philosopher Seeds
Orange Candy / Naranchup cuttings

Growth stage

As we already mentioned, we used both cuttings and seeds in this grow. As we chose small pots, we could perform the whole vegging stage inside a single grow tent.

Since the lighting needs during this stage are lower than when the plants are in full bloom, we adjusted our ballast at 50% and watered the plants with water only when they needed it.

Philosopher Seeds
Sugar Pop seeds

Bloom stage

After a growth period without problems, we transplanted our plants into bigger containers and switched the photoperiod to flowering. In this way, the roots of the plants will have enough space to grow and provide an explosive bloom.

We wanted to take the opportunity to see the performance of mycorrhizae, which we added to some of our Black Bomb and Orange Candy / Naranchup plants.

After the transplant we adjusted our ballasts at 75% and sorted our plants by size, with the smallest plants right under the lamp.

24 days after switching the photoperiod the development of the buds is obvious. We keep our lighting systems at 75%, although in about a week they'll be all switched to full power. 

We fertilize our plants every 6 days approximately, and not a single plant showed signs of nutrient deficiencies. Finally, we switched the ballasts at 100% on the 27th day of flowering

Our plants were fed a bit more often since the 30th day of bloom, while temperatures inside the grow tents remained stable mainly thanks to our climate controller.

38 days after switching the photoperiod to bloom we noticed that our Orange Candy / Naranchup plants demanded more nutrients; some leaves yellowed although the flowering continued without a problem.

During the next week, keeping stable temperatures was extremely hard due to some technical problems. Temperatures raised to 35ºC with the lights on, and dropped to 10ºC during the night period of the plants.

We started to flush our Orange Candy / Naranchup plants on the 52th day into flowering. Since plants were already showing signs of senescence, the flushing period only lasted for one week.

Our Black Bomb plants needed a couple more weeks to fully ripe, while the flushing period for the Sugar Pop started bout 10 days later.

Philosopher Seeds
Sugar Pop

In conclusion, this was a successful grow , in which our plants dealt perfectly with a considerable temperature stress during one of the most important weeks of the bloom stage. Yields, as you can see, were excellent, and after the drying process we were amazed by the quality of the buds.

Please leave here any doubt or comment, we'll be pleased to reply them!

Happy harvests!

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This is the blog of the seed bank Philosopher Seeds. It is intended for the use of adults over the age of 18 years.

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