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  1. The 5 pillars of Cannabis

Philosopher Seeds wants to invite all you guys to the Mani-Fiesta-Acción, a march for cannabis legalization that will take place the next Sunday, 28th May (Puerta del Sol, Madrid) under the heading "A day for responsible regulation".

It'll start at 17h with a multitudinary march which will be closed with a great concert, where various cannabis friendly, renowned artists have been invited.

The main goals of this inititative are obvious: to claim for the rights of cannabis users and growers, for the cannabis sector to be understood as a generator of wealth for society, and also to dignify cannabis seeds as a cornerstone of this industry.

Mani-fiesta-accion is a pro cannabis legalization movement based on a document called "The 5 pillars of Cannabis", drawn together by all associations forming the Regulación Responsable (Responsible Regulation) platform.

2017 ManiFiestaAcción
2017 ManiFiestaAcción

The 5 pillars of Cannabis

This text tries to set the basis for an integral regulation of Cannabis in Spain, and is divided into 5 parts:

  1. Cannabis homegrowing: The main objective of this text is to regulate growing marijuana for own supply. They ask for cannabis to be treated like tobacco - so using it on the street would no longer be sanctioned - and also to set legal limits when driving.
  2. Cannabis Social Clubs: Eliminate all obstacles for clubs to become supply centers for cannabis users, which share their crop with all members, and thus reduce the impact of black market while implementing quality control standards.
  3. Licensed retailers: Until cannabis social clubs were created, the most common way to find marijuana was the black market. This proposal claims for the creation of licensed companies for large-scale cultivation.
  4. Educating for a responsible use: Creation of a public and independent entity under the care of the Ministry of Social Affairs to educate users and growers. To educate can provide much better results than current anti-drug policies.
  5. Access to medical cannabis: Access to medical marijuana by any patient should be guaranteed. This would also provide a deeper knowledge on the therapeutic properties of cannabinoids and a better way to train medical personnel.

Philosopher Seeds invites you to participate in this event and fight for a more responsible, realistic and inclusive regulation of cannabis and its derivatives. Do not miss this chance to share your passion and meet with hundreds of people like you!

See you there!

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About this Cannabis Blog

This is the blog of the seed bank Philosopher Seeds. It is intended for the use of adults over the age of 18 years.

You'll find information on homegrowing cannabis, tips, tricks and news from the cannabis sector.

To buy seeds from Philosopher Seeds and the best European seed banks. you can check out our cataogue.
