Philosopher Seeds with the Million Marihuana March
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Our team, Philosopher seeds , supports the Moviment Cannàbic Català - Catalan Cannabis Movement - and has actively participated in the 2014 Million Marihuana March in Barcelona. A very important day for worldwide users and activists is coming, the Million Marihuana March. This event takes place since the late XX century - 1998-99 - and its aim is to highlight the large number of people who need and claim for the end of prohibition and criminalisation of consumers and growers.
Other demands are the end of arrestss, criminal processes and fines to users and growers, as well as recognizing the therapeutical properties of cannabis and eliminating those legal voids generated by prohibition. In this Million Marijuana March link you can check the complete list of the cities where this event takes place.
Activity programme of the 2014 Barcelona Million Marihuana March
Philosopher seeds has collaborated with Moviment Cannàbic Català and has actively participated in the organisation of the 2014 Barcelona Million Marihuana March. This year in Barcelona, the Catalan Cannabis Movement - organizer of this event in Catalonia - strived to create the Million Marihuana March the 3rd of May at 5pm at Plaça de Sant Jaume (Barcelona).
This platform is composed of several cannabis users' associations, companies of this sector and activists who claim for a change in the drug policy regarding the growing, distribution and use of marijuana.
La Diada Verda - The Green Day - will also be organised, an initiative to dress up balconies, doors, street lamps and benches with green ribbons and flags during the week previous to the event.
- Concentration: 3rd of May at 17:00 at Plaça Sant Jaume ( Barcelona).
- Dressing up of Plaça Sant Jaume with green ribbons.
- Free green ribbon and manifest copy for all attendants
- Comic theatre play about the injustice that cannabis growers experience every day
- Reading of the Manifest and closure of the event
Manifest of the 2014 Barcelona Million Marihuana March
The Cannabis Catalan Movement - Moviment Cannàbic Català - will read the following manifest:
With this manifest, the Cannabis Catalan Movement shows its disagreement with the preliminary draft bill on the Law of Citizen Security, approved by the Council of Ministers on November 29, 2013. From cannabis associations we fight against this already discredited prohibition to achieve a just and efficient drug policy.
Today, in the 21st century, our government is about to approve a law which unprecedentedly criminalises cannabis users, showing obvious contradictions with the dominant trend of decriminalization seen in the European states, the American continent and many sectors which claim for a necessary and fair regulation.
First, we consider that, when sanctioning any possible way to get this substance clean and free of adulterants, this law promotes the obtention of cannabis on the black market, leaving users unprotected against organized drug-dealing mafias.
It could also be said that it actually encourages this way since it sanctions self-cultivation with fines from 1001€ to 30.000€. It is obvious that there is a collection interest in the case of tenure and use on the public thoroughfare, since sanctions could reach, for the very first time, 30.000€. The third sanction in a period of two years would become serious fault.
We know that there will be a step backwards in the field of therapeutical cannabis, in which many sick people need to receive the palliative treatment that better adjusts to their pathology. Cannabis is the first choice as medication for many people, with less side effects than others.
Third, it transgresses the Right to Privacy and to the free development of the personality; furthermore, and because of the repressive character of the law itself, this leads to a constant interference with the privacy of people, who will be harassed by Security Forces just because they have a flower in their pocket.
Finally, this law endangers the new cannabis growing,use and obtention models. It sanctions growing it, the main way - and the most just and rational - in which users can be supplied, leading them to dug-dealing mafias.
Therefore, we denounce the intention of our government to approve a law condemned by all sectors of the population. Society demands a formative drug policy, in which users can decide by themselves with all the necessary information and means to do it.