What is CBD?

Cannabis has been traditionally associated with its main psychoactive cannabinoid, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Despite this fact, another cannabinoid has gained the attention of both the cannabis scene and the medical community during the past years, CBD or Cannabidiol. The wide range of possible therapeutic applications of this cannabinoid, and the fact that CBD is not psychoactive, have triggered an increasing interest on this specific molecule, especially when patients are reporting a considerable improvement of their quality of live which they couldn't find with other medicines.

Thus, a large number of CBD-rich cannabis strains have been developed lately, as well as ointments, capsules, oils, etc. rich in this cannabinoid, which are completely legal since they do not contain THC (these cosmetics are made from 100% organic and legal hemp crops).

Philosopher Seeds is aware of this situation and is constantly working on developing feminised cannabis strains with CBD like Spicy CBD, Fruity Jack or Sweet Love, along with new projects that you'll soon discover like Cheesy Auto CBD or Lemon Auto CBD.

Fruity Jack, buds with high CBD content
Fruity Jack, buds with high CBD content

What is CBD?

CBD was first isolated by Adams, Hunt and Clar in 1940 and characterized a few years later (1963) by Raphael Mechoulam and Shvo. Despite having the same chemical formulation than THC (C21 H30 O2) its molecular structure (arrangements of the atoms that compose the molecule) is different, which causes considerable differences on the effects of both molecules.  It is one of the main cannabinoids of the marijuana plant and is found in the trichome heads.

Scientific research on CBD is constantly progressing, and today we know that CBD is not a degradation of THC (as believed years ago) and that is has low affinity with CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors, affinity that is present with other receptors of our body like GPR55 or 5-HT1A. Today it is also believed that its inhibitory action on FAAH enzyme causes an increase of endocannabinoids like anandamide, which is produced by our own body.

Molecule of CBD
Molecule of CBD

As we mentioned before, CBD has no psychoactive effect, so it has not been listed as an illicit drug. Still, all growers should keep in mind that CBD-rich commercial strains also contain THC, so growing this type of varieties has the same legal risk - in most countries - than growing any other strain of narcotic cannabis. We do have hemp strains that can be grown legally (as the "Fedora 17" strain), but the low content of cannabinoids (CBD 1%, THC 0.1%) found on these strains is not suitable for medical purposes.

It is believed that the interaction between cannabinoids and terpenes modulates their action and enhances the effects of CBD, creating a synergy effect (entourage effect). Still, and from a legal point of view, the efficacy and legal status of CBD make it more suitable for therapeutic treatments than THC.

Awesome Spicy CBD main bud
Awesome Spicy CBD main bud

Properties of CBD

The therapeutical properties and possible medical applications of CBD are large, being effective:

  • As anti-inflammatory
  • To decrease anxiety and depression symptoms
  • To relieve nausea and convulsions
  • To reduce psychotic symptoms

Thus, CBD has been proved to be efficient to treat diseases like Parkinson, childhood epilepsy, Dravet syndrome, West syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, depression, schyzofrenia, psoriasis, arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, multiple sclerosis, social anxiety, panic attacks, asthma, acne, symptoms of treatments against cancer and also to stimulate appetite.

Cannabis and CBD are closely related
Cannabis and CBD are closely related

Scientific research on cannabinoids is constantly progressing and yielding results, opening a vast range of possible therapeutic applications of CBD and a natural and safe solution for thousands of patients worldwide.

How to use CBD

Todat we can find plenty of options to use CBD. Logically, we can grow CBD-rich cannabis strains, although as we already mentioned this could lead to breaking the law of our country of residence due the THC content of these varieties. On the other hand, if we choose hemp strains the cannabinoid content will be considerably lower, and so the therapeutic potential.

Sweet Love extract with high CBD content
Sweet Love extract with high CBD content

A 100% legal source of CBD are the different products commercialized lately. Still, and since they're made from hemp, their cannabinoid content is relatively low, especially when compared to narcotic cannabis strains. These products are also very expensive, so many users choose to grow their own CBD-rich plants at home taking the legal risk that it involves.

We must take into account that ingested CBD can be transformed into THC by the gastric acids of your stomach, as reported by some CBD users who have experienced similar effects to those induced by THC. Thus, the most recommendable way to use CBD is sublingually (under the tongue). Another recent study has shown that ingested CBD does not reduce the effects of THC, as believed by some. To do so, it must be smoked.

Vaping is an excellent way to use CBD
Vaping is an excellent way to use CBD

In short, CBD can help a large number of patients who haven't found the suitable medicine for their condition. Its action is especially effective when combined with other cannabinoids and terpenes, so it seems like one of the best sources of this cannabinoid are CBD-rich cannabis varieties.

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This is the blog of the seed bank Philosopher Seeds. It is intended for the use of adults over the age of 18 years.

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